Sunday, July 7, 2024


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Get the latest news, analyses, and opinion pieces on the environment and sustainability. Stay informed on the latest developments in climate change, pollution, and conservation efforts.

Fire and Rain: West to get more one-two extreme climate hits.

The one-two punch of nasty wildfires followed by heavy downpours triggering flooding and mudslides will strike the U.S. West far more often in a...

Greenhouse gas emissions rose in Rhode Island.

While Rhode Island is trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and set an example for other states environmental officials said Friday that emissions were...

Activists stage global climate protest, slam Ukraine war.

Berlin Germany: Climate activists staged the 10th series of worldwide protests. To demand that leaders take stronger action against global warming. With some linking...

UN chief: Don’t let Russia crisis fuel climate destruction.

BERLIN Germany: Countries scrambling to replace Russian oil, gas, and coal supplies with any available alternative. May fuel the world’s “mutually assured destruction” through...

New rules for companies on climate risks proposed by SEC.

WASHINGTON USA: Companies would be required to disclose the greenhouse gas emissions they produce. And how climate risk affects their business under new rules...

War censorship exposes Putin’s leaky internet controls

BOSTON: Long before waging war on Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin was working to make Russia’s internet a powerful tool of surveillance and social control...

UN: War in Ukraine to hurt poor nations importing grain

ROME: U.N. food agency warned that Poorer countries in northern Africa, Asia, and the Middle East risk suffering significant food insecurity because of Russia’s...

UK, Singapore launch talks on the digital trade agreement

BRITAIN: On Monday, Britain, and Singapore will begin negotiations on another computerized economic deal. That could eliminate boundaries, a piece of London's effort to...

Malaysia picks Ericsson for RM11bil project to deploy 5G nationwide

Kuala Lumpur: Tech giant Ericsson, selected by Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) to deploy its fifth-generation (5G) national network. Believes that critical network infrastructure is...

Nestle boosts reforestation in Americas to reduce carbon footprint

Swiss food giant Nestle S.A. has vowed to plant at least three million trees in Mexico and Brazil by next year as part of its reforestation initiative to help combat climate change. This serves as the first phase of the company’s plan to boost agricultural and environmental actions for the attainment of carbon neutrality by 2050. […]
